Movitas won Dutch Design Award

The word is out… The Movitas design has won the Dutch Design Award for Excellence and received an official GIO recognition for Good Industrial Design. The team that took the Movitas from idea to working prototype in no time (2 years!) was as flexible, agile and efficient as the product itself. For the design we teamed up with Steketee Design and together we won this award!

More about the GIO Award


The past months we have been working hard to realise the new long size (9,7m) Movitas. The design has been optimised and has several big improvements, like air suspension and a significant weight reduction. Prototype 2 will be used for production that starts in 2022 and it will be driving as a demomodel with our customers.

Sioux Technologies and Tribus Movitas - Building a bus for the future


The story tells how Tribus and supplier Sioux Technologies contribute to a more sustainable world by developing a new modular electrical bus and all the challenges that come with such a project.

Homologation nearly finished!

The frist driving demo model was launched at Busworld 2019. Now we have created proto 2 which is the longest version with length 9,7 meters. We are nearly finished with the homologation and expect to hit the road early 2022.

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